Rules, rules. It's a public contest, so we have to have them. Please
check the box below to acknowledge:
You have read and understand the contest rules posted on this page. You
understand that you will receive payment of at least $50.00 from the publisher
if your photo is selected for publication in the 2025 printed edition of
Michigan Trails Magazine. You grant Michigan Trails Magazine, its publisher
and the MITRAILS.ORG website full rights and permission to publish and
use your photo at their discretion. You hold harmless the publisher and
the website developer in all regards as to the photo and its content. You
attest that you are the sole owner of the photo and that you take full
responsibility for its content. You understand that selection of the winning
photos is at the sole discretion of the publisher and that all decisions
are final.
Even if your photo is not selected for publication in Michigan Trails
Magazine, you grant the publisher permission to display your photo on the
Michigan Trails Magazine website, MITRAILS.ORG.