Invite hundreds of thousands of Michigan trail users to visit your business or tourist destination. Advertise in Michigan Trails Magazine and here on our Michigan Trails website.
It's powerful, targeted advertising. Trail people are active, affluent and eager to learn about you, your products, services and information. Tell them how you can enhance their trail experience, and trail people will respond!
Tap into our website's large and growing audience of trail enthusiasts, visiting our site to gather trail information. Advertise to make our audience aware of your business or organization, and invite them to visit you.
Choose the website page or pages you want. Your ad can appear right now on any of more than 180 MITRAILS.ORG website pages... our regional Interactive Map pages... the Home page... the Trail Event Listings page... the Photo Contest page... the "Search Our Website" page... the Lodging Food and Attractions page... all of the individual Trail Pages... any page on the site.
Choose your ad format. Leaderboard ads stretch across the top of the pages, Billboard ads appear along the right side of pages, and Trail Resource Listings appear in columns by business category. Each ad you place is "clickable" with a link to your website. To track ad performance, we offer monthly reports showing page views and ad click-through counts.
Leaderboard, 1450w x 180h pixels
Billboard, 522w x 324h pixels
Trail Resource Listing, 150w x 90h pixels
Advertising Specifications. Get the Specs.
Rates and Advertising Reservations. Get the Form.
Request an Advertising Representative to Call on You.
Telephone our business office at Rockford Advertising in Rockford, Michigan. Ask for Karen Gentry, advertising representative.
(616) 866-2817
Michigan Trails Magazine is published annually in mid April and distributed through MDOT Welcome Centers, regional visitors bureaus, chambers of commerce, parks departments, bicycle and fitness shops, outdoor outfitters, cycling and trail organizations, subscribers, and a wide range of lodging and advertiser locations all over the state of Michigan.
It's been estimated that more than 1.2 million people from Michigan and neighboring states use Michigan's non-motorized, multi-use trails each year. And the popularity of our trails continues to grow. Michigan's "bicycle tourism" generates over $500 million in revenue each year, in addition to revenue generated from other uses of the trails, such as snowmobiling, running and hiking.
Michigan Trails Magazine and Website are the only partner publications in print and online solely dedicated to serving Michigan's trail enthusiasts and promoting use of our trails to tourists and local residents. Advertising with us reaches a wide range of trail users spanning nearly all demographic groups, from young and old, affluent and median incomes, to families, singles, married couples, empty nesters, children and retirees. Everyone seems to love using the trails.
People who use the trails need lodging, gas, meals, refreshments and cycling, running and fitness apparel and equipment, and many other products and services. Advertising with us is a "good fit" for any business serving active people who use the trails.
Advertising Specifications. Get the Specs.
Rates and Advertising Reservations. Get the Form.
Request an Advertising Representative to Call on You.
Telephone our business office at Rockford Advertising in Rockford, Michigan. Ask for Karen Gentry, advertising representative.
(616) 866-2817